Hi all !
If you're not following me on Instagram yet, you should check it out just here ! It's the best way to stay updated on my preparation to the 2018 Trans America Bike Race ! You'll learn that my quest for sponsors if on his way with some great news as I'm now supported also by Patagonia being part of their "ProProgram" as well as Nanobrasserie de l'ermitage who's offering great Beers brewed in Brussels ! I also launched a new crowdfunding Campaign so you could help me too! In exchange of your donation you'll receive some beers, goodies, particular contact with me during the race, bike mechanic service, and of course my eternal gratitude ! You Should check it out just there : Rising Track Crowdfunding campaign. On an other side, my training is going really great at the moment ! Charles and the Training plus team are doing amazing job to make this happening on the physical part and I already feel improvements since we started a specific training plan. They prepared me a really nice "camp program" as I'm leaving in the Alps Monday to train in better condition than the rainy Belgium. Wish me luck and again, follow me on Instagram if you want to have update on my training trip in France. Xavier
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Happy New year to all of you !
I hope that as me, you're making the most of this period to spend time with your families. 2018 will be a busy year for me as training and racing will occupy most of my time until June and the Trans america bike Race. I've been spending a bit of time to design this website, my sponsorship proposal and a GoFundMe campaign that you can find here : https://www.gofundme.com/road-to-trans-am-bike-race-2018. I'll use this blog as well as my instagram page to keep you updated of my training and racing achievements. Talk Soon ! Xavier |